Oral History Interview with Werner Glass

Werner Glass, born in 1927, describes being the youngest child of a Berlin pediatrician; immigrating to Shanghai, China in 1933 with his family and governess; his father, who was a founder of the Shanghai Doctors Association and practiced medicine in the family’s apartment in the International Settlement; living a comfortable life, with many Chinese servants; attending German and English schools, technical college, and a French-Jewish university; the student resistance to Japanese occupation; how in 1938 his father’s passport was not renewed and the family became stateless; the influx of German refugees, including his grandparents, which led to the formation of the Jüdische Gemeinde; refugee support from the “Joint” and the Sephardic community; his religious education and his bar mitzvah in 1940; participating in a Jewish Boy Scout troop; how after Pearl Harbor enemy nationals were interned in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp and a ghetto was established in Hongkou for all post-1937 refugees, both Jews and non-Jews; how his family, as stateless immigrants who arrived in 1933, were unaffected; being dispossessed in 1942 by a Japanese officer and moved into one room in a hotel occupied by Chinese and Russian prostitutes; the difficult living conditions; the Japanese rules of conduct and penalties for infractions; immigrating to the United States in 1947, sponsored by his sister Helga, who married a Jewish-American soldier; completing his graduate studies in chemical engineering at Syracuse University; and getting married and having several sons.

Date: 04/07/1992
Interviewer: Marian Salkin
Interviewee: Werner Glass
Language: English
Subject: Bar mitzvah.
Holocaust survivors.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Germany--Personal narratives.
Jewish physicians--China.
Jewish physicians--Germany.
Jewish refugees--China--Shanghai.
Jews, German--China--Shanghai.
Jews--Societies, etc.
Refugee camps--China--Shanghai.
Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945.
World War, 1939-1945--Jews--China--Shanghai.
Men--Personal narratives.
Location: Berlin, Germany
Shanghai, China
Shanghai Ghetto
Permalink: https://hoha.digitalcollections.gratz.edu/item/oral-history-interview-with-werner-glass/