Oral History Interview with Paul Kurschner

Paul Kurschner, born on May 16, 1916 in Vienna, Austria, discusses being an active Zionist; the Betar Movement; pre and post Anschluss Austria; pre-war antisemitism; the youth underground movement; protesting Martin Niemöller's incarceration; leaving for Palestine after the Anschluss via Yugoslavia, Albania, and Greece; taking the ship Artemesia to Palestine before Kristallnacht; immigrating illegally under British Mandate; the Arab-Israeli War; and immigrating to the United States.

Date: 12/05/1982
Interviewer: Ruth K. Hartz
Interviewee: Paul Kurschner
Language: English
Subject: Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Personal narratives.
World War, 1939-1945--Jews.
Location: Vienna, Austria
Permalink: https://hoha.digitalcollections.gratz.edu/item/oral-history-interview-with-paul-kurschner/