Oral History Interview with Jeanette Rothschild

Jeanette Rothschild (née Fernbacher), born on September 13, 1898 in Gossmannsdorf, Germany, discusses going to school in a nunnery in Straubing, Germany; the local Jewish girls and lack of antisemitism in the school and town; her family’s successful farming business; her extended family members; her experience during World War I; living in Berlin, Germany once she was married and the Jewish community there; the entrance of the Nazis in 1933; being able to keep her store until Kristallnacht 1938; the Nazis taking her husband and her trying to find him; her husband's internment in Oranienburg for 3-4 weeks; the return of her husband and him not being the same; going to England to escape Nazism; her husband being taken as an enemy alien to a camp in England; and going to the United States and adjusting to the new life.

Date: 07/24/1997
Interviewer: Jerry Freimark
Interviewee: Jeanette Rothschild
Language: English
Subject: Farms--Germany.
Holocaust survivors.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Germany--Personal narratives.
Jewish businesspeople.
Jewish property.
Jewish women in the Holocaust.
Jews--Legal status, laws, etc.--Germany.
Kristallnacht, 1938.
World War, 1914-1918--Personal narratives.
Women--Personal narratives.
Berlin (Germany)
Gossmannsdorf am Main (Germany)
Great Britain--Emigration and immigration.
Straubing (Germany)
United States--Emigration and immigration.
Rothschild, Jeanette, 1898-
Location: Goßmannsdorf am Main, Germany
Straubing, Germany
Berlin, Germany
England, United Kingdom
Permalink: https://hoha.digitalcollections.gratz.edu/item/oral-history-interview-with-jeanette-rothschild/
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