Oral History Interview with Dora Langsam
Dora Langsam was born in Brzeziny, Poland January 1, 1925. Her family kept kosher, her father, a business man, fought with Trumpeldor, her brother served in the Polish army.
She describes conditions for Jews after the German invasion in September 1939. One brother died trying to protect his father from the Germans, one sister with her newborn baby was taken during a selection. The rest of the family stayed in the Brzeziny Ghetto from 1940 to the spring of 1942 when the ghetto was closed and the Jewish population was transported to the Lodz Ghetto. Her mother was taken away in a selection immediately, a brother later. Dora and her father worked in a factory as slave laborers. She describes what she refers to as “hellish conditions” in the Lodz Ghetto. In July or August 1944, the liquidation of the ghetto started. Dora, her father, and a sister were transported to Auschwitz. Her father was taken away as soon as he got off the train. Dora and her sister lived in barracks, supervised by a brutal Czech KAPO and endured daily Appells, selections, hunger and cold. Dora tried to rescue her sister during a selection and both were saved from certain death at the last second by an air raid. Both were transported to a labor camp in Neukölln to work in an ammunition factory owned by Krupp. In 1945, near the end of the war, they were transported to Ravensbrück where they received food packages from the American Red Cross. Dora and her sister did not get sick like most of the girls because they didn’t eat the non-kosher food. On April 24, 1945 Dora and her sister went to Padborg, Denmark on a convoy organized by Folke Bernadotte, then on to Copenhagen and Malmö, Sweden. She describes how deeply being treated like human beings affected them and the quarantines in Lund then Visingsö. Dora worked in a sanatorium during the day and went to school at night, stayed in Sweden for eight years, married her husband, a survivor from Poland, and had a son and a daughter during that time. On July 6, 1953 they went to the United States, helped by HIAS, because her husband wanted to raise his children in a free country. Her sister still lives in Sweden with her husband, also a survivor.Date: | 11/30/1994 |
Interviewer: | Edith Millman |
Interviewee: | Dora Langsam |
Language: | English |
Subject: | Concentration camp inmates--Selection process. Forced labor. Holocaust survivors--Sweden. Holocaust survivors--United States. Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Personal narratives. Jewish ghettos--Poland--Brzeziny (Łódź) Jewish ghettos--Poland--Łódź. Jewish women in the Holocaust. Jews--Legal status, laws, etc.--Poland. Jews--Persecutions--Poland. Jews--Poland--Brzeziny (Łódź) Kapos. Roll calls. Sisters. Women concentration camp inmates. World War, 1939-1945--Conscript labor. World War, 1939-1945--Deportations from Poland. Women--Personal narratives. Brzeziny (Łódź, Poland) Copenhagen (Denmark) Fürstenberg (Germany) Jönköpings kommun (Sweden) Lund (Sweden) Łódź (Poland) Malmö (Sweden) Neukölln (Berlin, Germany) Padborg (Denmark) Poland--History--Occupation, 1939-1945. United States--Emigration and immigration. World War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--Poland. Langsam, Dora, 1925- Auschwitz (Concentration camp) Berlin-Neukölln (Concentration camp) Folke Bernadotteakademin. Ravensbrück (Concentration camp) Red Cross and Red Crescent. |
Location: | Brzeziny, Poland Brzeziny Ghetto Lodz Ghetto Auschwitz concentration camp Berlin-Neukölln concentration camp Ravensbrück concentration camp Denmark Falun, Sweden USA |
Permalink: | https://hoha.digitalcollections.gratz.edu/item/oral-history-interview-with-dora-langsam/ |
Audio Transcript | Time |
1:00:44 |
PDF Transcript: