Oral History Interview with Gerald Adler

Gerald Adler, born June 27, 1925 in Elmshorn, Germany, grew up in a middle-class Orthodox Jewish family. They moved to Berlin where he attended school until 1938. His father lost his job after Hitler came to power. Gerald talks about the effects of the Nuremberg laws on German Jews. During KrystallNacht his father was arrested and sent to Sachsenhausen. He was released after two months when his wife secured passage to Trinidad.

Gerald worked on Hachsharah farms near Hamburg from 1939 to 1941, when he rejoined his family in Berlin. In 1943, after immigration to Trinidad was stopped, the family was deported to Theresienstadt. He credits his father’s record as a decorated World War I veteran for saving them from deportation to Poland.

Date: 03/21/1985
Interviewer: Archive Staff
Interviewee: Gerald Adler
Language: English
Subject: World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, Jewish
Location: Elmshorn, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Hakhsharah farms near Hamburg, Germany
Wulkow, Germany
Terezín, Czechia
Permalink: https://hoha.digitalcollections.gratz.edu/item/oral-history-interview-with-gerald-adler/